
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

NNFN2023: Ultimate Dinosaurs

Day 28 of National Non-Fiction November!

Endlessly fascinating to many young children, dinosaur books will always be popular. This series builds an extremely collectable library of pocket sized books introducing the reader to different dinosaurs in an extremely readable mix of science and humour.

Each book has been carefully researched, clearly presenting information in accessible chunks, supported by plenty of diagrams and cartoons. Each book starts by defining what a dinosaur is and a section of this chapter offers the same information from book to book, ensuring consistency. The following chapter, Dinosaur Detectives, then focuses in on the subject of the book. Here the reader finds a description and a family tree which explores relationships between dinosaurs. Helpful diagrams illustrate the size of these creatures in relation to a human and there are pronunciation guides for how to say each name.

Other chapters look at the discoveries relating to the named dinosaur, their anatomy and habitat. ‘New Science’ explores the latest ideas and ‘the battle’ looks at how the ‘evolutionary arms race’ would have played out, supported by a cartoon depiction.

Packed with fascinating facts, these small books are a wonderful resource for dinosaur lovers, old and young.

Ultimate Dinosaur: Microraptor

Ben Garrod, illustrated by Scott Hartman, Gabriel Ugueto and Ethan Kocak

Zephyr ISBN: 978-1804548301

Ultimate Dinosaur: Ankylosaurus

Ben Garrod, illustrated by Scott Hartman, Gabriel Ugueto and Ethan Kocak

Zephyr ISBN: 978-1804548271

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