There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
NNFN2023: Human 2.0
Day three of National Non-Fiction November 2023!
Celebrating the almost unbelievable achievements which have been made in medical engineering, ‘Human 2.0’ is a completely fascinating read! It presents this complex subject clearly, from the first prostheses to future possibilities.
The developments are interspersed with the real-life stories of people who have benefitted from them. Claire Lomas, foe example, became the first person to finish the London Marathon using a ReWalk exoskeleton whereas Keith Hayman became one of the first people in the UK to receive the Argus II Bionic Eye. Each development is clearly described with technical vocabulary carefully explained. But the book also poses the question, ‘How far are we willing to go?’, considering the risks and rewards as technology moves ever onwards.
Author, Patrick Kane, is a triple amputee and became the youngest person to be fitted with a bionic arm. He has created an absorbing text, enlightening readers on this topic and no doubt inspiring them to find out more and perhaps to investigate a career in this field. Attractive illustrations add to the book’s appeal, making it a book which will be returned to and re-read!
Human 2.0
Patrick Kane, illustrated by Samuel Rodriguez
Big Picture Press ISBN: 978-1800781689