
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher Fiction, Adventure, Mystery Sue Wilsher

Tourmaline and the Island of Elsewhere

When Tourmaline overhears a conversation between two of her professors at Pellavere University, she learns that not only has her mother gone missing whilst on an archaeological expedition, but that no one will be going to search for her. Tourmaline is determined to find her and with the help of her best friend, George, and new acquaintance, Mia, sets off on an incredible adventure.

Having found a clue in her mother’s study to set them on their way, the three companions embark on a perilous journey to locate the Island of Elsewhere- a journey filled with twists and turns, unexpected revelations and excitement.

Tourmaline is a fantastic character. Intrepid and impulsive, once her friendship is gained, she is loyal and protective and there is a wonderful warmth of feeling between her, George and Mia. The three make an excellent team, bringing out the best in each other, bouncing back from the bickering and fallings out that real friends so often have and strengthening their bond. I developed a real soft spot for George as the story progressed. His affectionate support of Tourmaline forces him to do and face things which are completely outside his comfort zone and yet he persists, showing real friendship and courage and understanding of his friends’ characters.

The world building of the story is wonderful! It is richly imagined, each new location described beautifully and full of detail. And yet, the story offers plenty to think about as it makes the reader pause to consider the rights and wrongs of ‘discovery’, questioning who rightfully ‘owns’ the artefacts which are discovered when archaeologists do their work.

I am delighted that this is only the first of Tourmaline’s adventures. I can’t wait to see what she gets up to next!

Tourmaline and the Island of Elsewhere

Ruth Lauren

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788955911

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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