
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Mindfulness, Anxiety, Joy Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Mindfulness, Anxiety, Joy Sue Wilsher

A Horse Called Now

Now the horse is enjoying the peace of the field where she lives when she hears the hammering heartbeats of frightened animals. First, Rabbit and her babies are scared about Fox, then Hen and her chicks arrive, full of fears about Magpie and next Sheep and her lambs appear, terrified of a new sheepdog. Now calmly listens to their fears, reassuring them that these things might not happen and encouraging them to enjoy the moment. When a storm blows in, they find shelter in the barn, only to be faced with the animals they were running from. But, perhaps, everything is not as frightening as it first seemed…

Gentle and reassuring, this lovely story encourages readers to overcome their worries and enjoy the present moment. As each group of animals arrive, Now calmly listens to their concerns with no judgement, before offering simple, comforting advice and suggesting something positive which they might do to help them enjoy the moment. Now shows them how breathing helps her to release feelings of fear, reminding them that nothing lasts forever. The story is perfect for sharing, with adults and children able to practise breathing with Now and perhaps referring to it in difficult situations, encouraging children to look for something to enjoy in the moment rather than focusing on their fears.

When faced with the creatures which had caused such anxiety, the rabbits, sheep and chickens find that once they get to know them, the fox, dog and magpie are not so frightening after all. Each spread is beautifully illustrated with plenty to notice and enjoy and children are sure to comment on Now’s name, making the link with her attitude to life! This lovely story is sure to become a firm favourite with adults and children alike.

A Horse Called Now

Ruth Doyle, illustrated by Alexandra Finkeldey

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839946851

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