
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

NNFN2023: Stones and Bones

Always a source of fascination for children, ‘Stones and Bones’ is an attractive book, bursting with facts and the amazing stories which fossils can tell us about the past. The book is divided into five sections, using case studies to develop understanding. Starting with a section entitled ‘What are fossils?’, the book explains what paleontology is and the work of people, including Mary Anning, who have helped develop understanding of fossils and what they can tell us.

A clear explanation of how fossils are formed is supported by diagrams and the ‘Fossil Record’ sets out the specific eras in the earth’s history each layer of fossils relates to. These eras are then explored in more detail in the subsequent chapters.

Concise sections of text clearly explain the different concepts and every spread is attractively illustrated with plenty of details to notice and discuss. The book finishes with a look at paleontology today, how to become a paleontologist and why this subject is so important. A comprehensive glossary develops the reader’s understanding. Perfect for supporting work in the curriculum as well as reading for pleasure!

Stones and Bones: Fossils and the Stories They Tell

Rob Wilshaw, illustrated by Sophie Williams

Cicada ISBN: 978-1800660427

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