There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Rebel Folklore
Folklore or the stories ‘of the folk’ are central to all societies. Re-told and embellished with every telling, these tales are passed from generation to generation and are usually bursting with larger than life characters. In this fascinating collection, readers are introduced to 50 stories of ‘spirits, witches and other misfits’ and in the introduction, the author acknowledges the importance of reading the tales with ‘their original contexts in mind’, both to fully understand them and also to respect the cultures they emerged from.
The stories are gathered by continent, with the country of origin also indicated. A dramatic illustration accompanies the information about each character and with my copy, I received some lovely cards featuring these. Each section is really well written, offering plenty of information, making links between figures from one culture or time and another and encouraging readers to reflect on the role of these characters who are considered outsiders or misfits in some way.
A completely absorbing, engrossing collection for anyone with an interest in folklore -or for anyone who is intrigued by something a little different, this is perfect for a slightly older audience. It is a book which I will return to again and again!
Rebel Folklore:
Empowering Tales of Spirits, Witches and Other Misfits from Anansi to Baba Yaga
Icy Sedgwick, illustrated by Melissa Jarram
DK ISBN: 978-0241623008