
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Family, Love Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Family, Love Sue Wilsher

Our Love

What a beautiful book! ‘Our Love’ is a delightful celebration of the love of parents for their children- indeed, it could be seen as the love of any adult for any child in their care! The illustrations perfectly capture that sense of unconditional love and protection which young ones should inspire.

Using the animal kingdom to show this bond of affection, there are, amongst others, pictures of nesting birds, a lion with its cub, a joey peeking from its mother’s pouch and koalas cuddling in a tree. Each illustration is presented in warm, fuzzy tones which enhance the feeling of togetherness being enjoyed by the creatures on the pages. For little ones, these illustrations might also spark conversations about these animals, offering opportunities to name them and their young, how they care for them and where they live…but this is all additional pleasure! The story can simply be shared as one might share ‘Guess How much I Love You’.

The end pages open out into a double-page gatefold featuring all the animals, allowing children and their adults to spot their favourites and perhaps, recall the way that love was expressed on those pages. The gentle, repetitive language used and the sentiment make this perfect for snuggling up with at bedtimes and it is sure to be an ‘again! again!’ book in many households.

Our Love

Fatima Ordinola

Post Wave ISBN: 978-1836270089

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NNFN2024: The Jellyfish Garden

For day 2 of NNFN2024, I am reviewing ‘The Jellyfish Garden’, a fascinating book which takes a look at the watery world of the incredible creatures- and taught me how little I knew about them!

Having started by describing the features of these strange creatures, the differences and similarities between species are then highlighted. Carefully labelled diagrams show various views, including cross sections to support the reader’s understanding of their structure. Each carefully presented spread is packed with information, offered in accessible sections.

The enthusiasm of the author for their subject shines through the text, answering all the questions you might think of about these creatures- and a few more! Whether a reader with a deep interest in the oceans and the creatures which live there or someone who wants to find out more about jellyfish, everyone who picks up this book will be rewarded with the wealth of information and detail it offers.

The Jellyfish Garden: Explore their Curious World

Paola Vitale and Rossana Bossu

Post Wave ISBN: 978-1836270003

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