There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Euro Spies
When Samia wins a tour of Europe as the prize for an essay writing competition, she is delighted. However, shortly after meeting up with chaperone, Miss Watson and her fellow winners, Frankie (Francis) and Ava, she starts to suspect that something is amiss. After an eventful first night on the Euro Metro, Miss Watson is forced to admit that she is, in fact, a spy and they are on the trail of a missing colleague who has left a series of cryptic clues leading to information vital to stopping a group of neo-Nazis.
Readers are thrown headlong into the action in this thoroughly enjoyable, fast paced adventure. Not only are there puzzles to solve and clues to crack, the story takes the reader on a journey across Europe.
Although they don’t immediately realise it, Samia, Ava and Frankie make an excellent team, each offering strengths which make them very useful to Miss Watson’s spying mission. Ava has invaluable maths and logic skills, Samia is very bright and has an excellent knowledge of art and history whilst Frankie is fluent in French, Italian and German and has strong science knowledge. Each learns much about themselves, and the others, through their experiences and emerges stronger for it.
Each clue they solve leads them to another fabulous location and these cities, their landmarks- and traditional foods- are described, making the reader long to visit (or revisit). There is much to learn about each location which might inspire children to investigate further and perhaps to create future travel plans. The children face plenty of peril as they follow the trail laid for them. Regular ‘Where are we?’ sections challenge the reader by offering three facts about the location and a selection of codes are explained at the beginning of the book are useful for helping solve the puzzles.
Euro Spies Lindsey Littleson
Pokey Hat ISBN: 978-1911279549
You can read my review of ‘The Rewilders’ here.