There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Please Write Soon
When asked to present a project in school, Solly -Solomon- tells his classmates about his Polish cousin, Bernie. He shares a series of letters which he wrote to Bernie and those he received in return over the course of the war. Through these letters, Solly tells Bernie about his evacuation to the countryside and his experiences there whilst Bernie writes of being sent by his parents from his home in west Poland to the east of the country where they hope he will be safer. As events build, the cousins share their experiences, worries and hopes until Sonny is able to tell his class what happened to Bernie and his family.
Inspired by the true experiences of the cousin of Michael Rosen’s father who was in the Anders Army, ‘Please Write Soon’ is a poignant story which introduces its readers to many events of the Second World War. A photo of Michael Rechnic (the inspiration for Bernie’s story) is included at the beginning of the book, encouraging the reader to remember those who experienced great hardship, fought and sacrificed so much for us today and perhaps inspire those who read this story to find out more about these events - and perhaps explore how they affected members of their own family.
Reading the story helps the reader to understand something of the impact of the war on the lives of real people. For Londoners like Solly, this included evacuation, the fear of air raids, rationing and the destruction of bombing. Solly also writes of the Bethnal Green Tube Station tragedy which took the lives of so many who were trying to get to safety. Solly’s letters are also brimming with little details of his daily life- playing marbles, watching badgers as well as his fears and troubles. Bernie’s letters tell of being sent to a work camp in Russia before becoming a soldier and fighting in Persia and Italy. When his letters are less frequent, Solly worries about what might have happened to his cousin, but continues to send his letters.
There is so much to reflect on and absorb from this poignant story and it would make an excellent text to use in school. The letter format makes the boys’ experiences very vivid, encouraging empathy and understanding in the reader. Events from the war are clearly explained and are sure to encourage children to investigate further. Michael Foreman’s illustrations complement the text perfectly. Using only shades of grey with touches of red, he captures scenes from the boys’ letters beautifully.
The afterword also makes an important read, adding much to the story and exploring Remembrance and its significance today, a very fitting conclusion to the book.
An excellent addition to any library or book collection.
Please Write Soon: An Unforgettable Story of Two Cousins in World War II
Michael Rosen, illustrated by Michael Foreman
Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702303180