
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Penguins, Humour Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Penguins, Humour Sue Wilsher

Penguin Huddle

Every day, the penguin pack plays on the frozen southern pole, but when the sun goes down, they squeeze together in a penguin huddle, warm and cosy, all night long. However, one morning, after a freezing gale, the penguins wake up to find themselves stuck together. Luckily, Pipsqueak, the smallest of them all, has the biggest ideas…

Perfect for the chilly winter evenings, ‘Penguin Huddle’ is a delightful tale of friendship and helping others, full of Ross Montgomery’s humour and Sarah Warburton’s charming illustrations. There is so much to discuss and enjoy on each spread that this will quickly become a firm favourite with young- and old(er) readers everywhere.

So many creatures step up to help the huddle in need, showing the importance of kindness and lending a helping hand -or paw-or claw-or flipper- whenever you can. Pipsqueak’s positive nature and good ideas lead the penguins to work as a team, eventually solving their problem. The wonderful illustrations lend themselves to children inventing their own stories- the mouse family being aided by the fire-giraffe, for example! There are also plenty of touches of humour to explore in the posters about town and in the Doctopus’s surgery!

The book also lends itself to inspiring creative activities- penguin skittles (made from toilet roll tubes), making lollies, using the features of individual penguins to create new ones- perhaps in a game of Build-a-Penguin! So many possibilities!

That said, this is simply a delightful story, packed with personality and penguin power! One not to be missed!

Penguin Huddle

Ross Montgomery, illustrated by Sarah Warburton

Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406389838

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