
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Non-fiction, Penguins, Animals Sue Wilsher Non-fiction, Penguins, Animals Sue Wilsher

Passionate About Penguins

The latest in Owen Davey’s very popular non-fiction series, ‘Passionate about Penguins’ is a beautifully illustrated, essential addition to your collection. These books are so tactile and inviting that I have seen children pore over them for ages, completely caught up in the experience.

Starting with an explanation of what penguins are and the six distinct groups they can be split into, the book then introduces diet and habitat. Most penguins live below the Equator with the book explaining that, contrary to what many people believe, penguins and polar bears would never meet in the wild.

Penguins are specially adapted to their aquatic lifestyle and Davey focuses on the Humboldt penguin to illustrate these features, making it very useful for the Y6 Science curriculum work on adaptation as each feature is taken and considered, making it a great model to use for presenting work on other creatures.

Whether exploring their feathers, how they move or how they defend themselves, each topic is clearly explained in bite-sized chunks of information using side headings to help the reader navigate the page. Word play and puns are used to add a touch of humour to the text and although there is no glossary, many words are explained in context.

A sense of the size of different penguin species can be found on the pages entitled ‘To Scale’. Here, a whole host of penguins can be seen drawn around a human with a handy scale marker down the side of one page, allowing the reader to gauge the relative size of these creatures, some of which are surprising!

‘And the Award Goes To…’ offers some fascinating trivia. I had no idea how the Macaroni penguin got its name nor which species was the fastest underwater! The book ends with a note on conservation and how human activity is endangering most penguin species, but offers positive comments on what can be done to help them.

‘Passionate About Penguins’ would be a brilliant addition to any library, topic box or reading shelf for many reasons. It is also one of those wonderful books which has appeal to a wide age range and could be used in classes across KS2 to support work in science. Details like the Latin binomial classification added in the index demonstrates the work of Linnaeus and classification systems touched on in Year 6 or to support work on food chains in Year 4.

As usual, the illustrations are colourful and engaging, adding to the pleasure of immersing yourself into the world of penguins. I hope this series continues for a long time!

Passionate About Penguins Owen Davey

Flying Eye Books ISBN: 978-1838740771

Published 4th August 2022

You can read my review of ‘Crazy About Cats’ here and ‘Obsessive About Octopuses’ here.

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