
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

NNFN2024: Nature's Fascinating Friendships

‘Nature’s Fascinating Friendships’ is a beautifully presented factual text which celebrates ‘mutualistic symbiosis’ or the interactions between different species where both sides benefit. The book starts by zooming in on the ‘friend on the inside’ which humans have- the bacteria which keeps us healthy - before moving around the world, continent by continent to explore the ‘fascinating friendships’ which can be found there.

The text is written in a pleasant, ‘chatty’ style with clear, concise explanations, making it an informative and pleasurable read. Some pages include a quiz question (with answers at the bottom or side of the page!) and others encourage the reader to look for things in the illustrations, adding an interactive element to enjoy. The illustrations are really eye-catching, using colour to great effect, offering the perfect accompaniment to the text.

There is a real sense of how nature works smoothly through these partnerships which encourages readers to reflect on the benefits of harmonious relationships. Indeed, the book ends with a section on how we can be friends to nature, a suitable conclusion to this thought-provoking look at the natural world. A valuable addition to bookshelves, this is a book which will absorb and inspire!

Nature’s Fascinating Friendships

Mike Hills, illustrated by Kerry Hyndman

Faber ISBN: 978-0571372591

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