
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Friendship, Solitude Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Friendship, Solitude Sue Wilsher

Mole’s Quiet Place

Mole and Beaver live together in a treehouse in the forest. At the end of each day, they light the lanterns, just as their old friend Bear used to, making their home like a lighthouse. Seeing the light, many other creatures are drawn to the warmth and friendship of this home, but as more and more animals arrive, Mole feels overwhelmed. Realising his friend needs some space, Beaver and the treehouse gang set to work to create a mole-sized boat so Mole can enjoy some quiet time before heading back to the comfort of the treehouse.

Readers first met Beaver and Mole in ‘Goodbye Bear’ where they comforted each other after the loss of their dear friend. In this touching sequel, the friends are living in Bear’s treehouse and there are many details for readers to notice and enjoy which link the two stories. In this book, Bear’s treehouse is full of the hustle and bustle of visitors as a constant stream of friends drop in to chatter, sing and share some cake. But although Mole enjoys the excitement, she longs for the peaceful evenings she and Beaver used to share. Beaver and the others recognise and value these feelings, validating them by creating a space for her to be alone. No one gets offended or questions her need for a quiet space- they support her by understanding her need.

The story is perfect for starting conversations about allowing others some space by striving to understand their feelings. Many parents will find this invaluable for helping siblings navigate not feeling rejected or valued when alone time is needed by one- or all- of their number. It would also make an excellent book for a story time to support children with understanding the importance of ‘allowing’ friends to make choices about how they spend play times or working times and respecting these. The enchanting illustrations are the perfect accompaniment to the story and I hope we see more books about Mole and Beaver and their lovely friendship.

Mole’s Quiet Place Jane Chapman

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1801044257

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