There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Razzmatazz: The Poetry World of Roger Stevens
If you’re talking about poetry in school, Roger Stevens is a name which is sure to be mentioned! Ever-popular with children and adults alike, he has written poems which are often full of fun and laughter, but also those which capture poignant moments and make the reader reflect.
‘Razzmatazz!’ brings together a collection of his poems, most of which have been selected from the many books and anthologies he has written and contributed to. The result is a wide range of work which is sure to inspire and delight. If you have a child in your class who claims not to like poetry, there is sure to be something here to change their mind!
Many of the poems are perfect for performing. In fact, it’s almost impossible to read ‘Dad, Don’t Dance’ without feeling your foot tapping. The embarrassment of ‘dad dancing’ is universal and the repeated alliteration of ‘dad, don’t dance’ makes the poem easy to learn. Different groups of children could perform different verses, deciding how to bring the lines to life- and have great fun doing so! Another performance gem is ‘Get Your Poems Here’. Full of word play- and poetic terms- children could create their own additional verses about other types of poems, ‘selling’ their features to their audience. There are many other poems to be performed in this book and Roger’s notes at the end of some pieces share how he and others have used them, invaluable support for any who might need it!
There are many poems here which could be used as models to inspire children to write their own. ‘Half a Dozen Senyru’ offer a good starting point for investigating and playing with this Japanese form whilst the section entitled ‘Nursery Rhyme Fun’ shows how familiar verses can be reimagined with entertaining results! Mike Smith’s black and white illustrations add much to the collection- I particularly like his ‘Mosquito’ and know children enjoy creating pictures in this way too.
I could comment on each and every poem in the collection, but my advice is to get a copy and enjoy browsing the poetry world of one of our best poets!
Razzmatazz!: The Poetry World of Roger Stevens
Otter-Barry Books ISBN: 978-1913074418
Out on the 6th January 2022