There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Adventuremice: Mice on the Moon
When Millie’s Uncle Bernie, inventor Professor Quartermouse, sends a message asking the Adventuremice to visit him on Scrabble Island, Pedro, Bosun and the other mice leave the Mousebase to rush to his aid. However, they arrive to find there is no emergency, just Uncle Bernie wanting to share his latest invention with them- a spaceship! Suddenly, Pedro, Millie and Fledermaus find themselves stuck in the capsule, heading into space. But will they be the first mice on the moon?
These stories just go from strength to strength! Imaginative adventures, endearing characters, plenty of humour and wonderful illustrations combine perfectly to make books full of appeal and charm.
In this story, the Adventuremice are not saving others, but saving themselves! Having been trapped in the rocket, Pedro, Millie and Fledermaus find themselves not on the moon, but on the minimoon, which circles the moon in the same way as the moon circles the Earth. Here, they meet Pontiki, another mouse who invented a spaceship, who is now stranded and surviving with the help of the starmice. These very sensible mice are welcoming, but quite different to the Adventuremice who come up with an ingenious plan which allows them to return to Earth, taking Pontiki with them.
Delightful illustrations accompany the text at every stage, really bringing the adventures of the mice to life. I love the cross section of Uncle Bernie’s rocket and, of course, the map of their journey through space. There are so many details to notice and enjoy in these pictures and as usual in this series, there is a step-by-step ‘how to draw’ at the end of the book, sure to encourage young readers to have a go - and perhaps create their own adventures.
Although I love these books as books and think there is nothing more important than a good book, I do think that they would make an excellent cartoon series and should have a wonderful range of toys to accompany it as they would inspire so much play, full of fun, imagination and learning. Let’s hope..!
Adventure Mice: Mice on the Moon
Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre
David Fickling Books ISBN: 978-1788452700
Published on the 7th March
You can read my review of Otter Chaos! here and Mice on the Ice here