There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Fluffy, Flying Seed
Starting with a tiny dandelion seed floating on the wind, ‘Fluffy, Flying Seed’ shows the lifecycle of a plant, both through the seed’s own narrative and facts.
The latest in the ‘Start Small, Think Big’ series, the book is perfectly pitched to encourage curiosity in the natural world and help young readers discover more about the world around them. A fold out map at the end of the book shows the regions across the world where dandelions grow and includes a meadow i-spy for children to enjoy.
Text at two levels allows children to independently read the narrative and be supported, if need be, with the factual content, making the book perfect for both home and school. Covering various topics from the science curriculum, the explanations are clear and concise, using the correct technical terms. It is an engaging and enjoyable read, full of delightful illustrations- a lovely addition to any bookshelf!
Fluffy, Flying Seed
Mary Auld, illustrated by Dawn Cooper
Mama Makes Books ISBN: 978-1916780071
You can read my reviews of ‘Small, Speckled Egg’ and ‘Little, Brown Nut’ here.
NNFN2024: A Little Blue Dot
November is flying by-but there are still plenty of days left to share lots of fabulous factual books. Today’s book is ‘A Little Blue Dot, from Mama Makes Books, a small, independent publisher.
‘A Little Blue Dot’ is a lovely example of narrative non-fiction, allowing younger readers the joys of a story combined with accurately researched facts and details. Here, Earth, an ‘inconspicuous’ blue dot, contemplates the other planets as she floats in space. She feels that all the other planets are special, whilst she isn’t. As she contemplates the wonders of Mercury, the beauties of Venus and so on, she shares information about each one until she is interrupted by the other planets assure her that they are all jealous of her. Then Earth hears a little voice with something very important to say…
Through the conversational tone of the text and adorable illustrations, readers are offered a wealth of information about the planets which is accessible and entertaining. A little fact file about each planet is also presented on the end papers which shows them all in order from the sun with the Asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt included.
There is, of course, the additional benefit of a subtle message about not comparing yourself to others and realising just how unique and special everyone is which can easily be drawn from the story should readers wish. However, there is no questioning the importance or value of cleverly written narrative non-fiction texts in both reading for pleasure and reading for information. This delightful book is perfect for allowing children to learn more about the planets- and enjoy a lovely story along the way!
A Little Blue Dot
Maren Hasenjäger
Mama Makes Books ISBN: 978-1916780057
Blog Tour: Start Small Think Big
I am delighted to be taking part in Blog Tour which celebrates not only lovely books, but also National Non-Fiction November! ‘Start Small, Think Big’ is a fabulous series which is designed to engage and inspire young readers- and they certainly do!
‘Small, Speckled Egg’ follows the life cycle of the Arctic tern. The egg can be seen through the die-cut on the cover, engaging youngest readers from the outset. A clever mix of simple, easy to read text and more detailed information allows the book to be read and shared in different ways. This offers a text which can both support emergent readers and offer more challenge for those who need it, making it the perfect accompaniment for teaching parts of the KS1 Science or Geography curriculum. The same format is used for ‘Little, Brown Nut’ just as successfully.
Neither book shies away from using the ‘technical’ vocabulary connected with its subject, which is clearly explained and used. Thus the reader learns about the ‘agouti’, what ‘photosynthesis’ is and how long it takes the seed to ‘germinate’. All the information is supported by engaging illustrations, offering plenty of detail. A fold-out page at the end of the book offers a useful pictorial summary of the life cycle, a map of the world/ country relating to the topic, an I-Spy section and a ‘Think Big!’ fact box which includes additional information.
There is so much to learn and enjoy packed into each of these books, showing how essential high quality non-fiction texts are for young children to feed and inspire their natural curiosity about the world around them. The fact that these also offer plenty to interest older children- and adults- make them perfect for sharing and encouraging discussion with others.
Start Small, Think Big: Small, Speckled Egg
Mary Auld, illustrated by Anna Terreros Martin
Mama Makes Books ISBN: 978-1739774875
Start Small, Think Big: Little, Brown Nut
Mary Auld, illustrated by Dawn Cooper
Mama Makes Books ISBN: 978-1739774882
Many thanks to the team at Mama Makes Books for inviting me to take part in this Blog Tour!