
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Counting, Humour, Dinosaurs Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Counting, Humour, Dinosaurs Sue Wilsher

How Many Dinosaurs is Too Many?

When a child meets a lovely orange dinosaur, they are delighted. But one dinosaur is never enough and soon they have ten colourful, energetic dinosaur friends. However, the disruption and chaos caused by these messy, cheeky characters is soon just too much and so the child decides that they all have to go. Once alone, the child is left feeling sad…until they are reunited with their original friend. One dinosaur is perfect!

Full of energy and humour, the rhyming text is a delight to read aloud as the antics of the dinosaurs at first delights and then worries the little child. There is no indication as to whether this is a boy or a girl, making it easy for readers to identify with the character as the adventure develops. Children will enjoy counting along as each new dinosaur appears and the book is sure to inspire counting and matching games with toys or pictures of dinosaurs.

The illustrations are wonderful, offering plenty of opportunities for finding the different dinosaurs in each picture and noticing all their antics. Children are sure to notice the worried expression on the little orange dinosaur’s face as things get out of hand and the child realises that, perhaps, what they wished for is not as good as they thought it would be! In the end, the two friends are reunited, realising that two makes perfect company!

A lovely story for home and school!

How Many Dinosaurs is Too Many?

Lou Peacock, illustrated by Nicola Slater

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839945519

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Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Animals Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Animals Sue Wilsher

A Whale of a Time: A Funny Poem for Every Day of the Year

The latest in Nosy Crow’s beautiful cloth bound poetry anthologies, ‘A Whale of a Time’ offers a humorous poem for each day of the year. Sharing works from all over the world, the collection uses regional spellings to remain faithful to the original voice of each poet.

Arranged month by month, each section has its own contents page, making it easy to locate, not only the poem for the day, but any work in that section, encouraging readers to return to favourites again and again. There are so many treasures here, each bringing laughter and brightening the day. One poem by Celia Warren made me smile as it reminded me of so many bedtimes- of my own son, of nieces and nephews, of friends’ little ones- and is sure to be a night time favourite, causing giggles as children recognise their own tactics!

As well as being amusing, there are poems which suit different times of the year. The 5th of November has a funny firework poem, the end of October features spooky poems and there is a Christmassy feel around the end of December. Pancakes and love appear in February and fools in April. Each page is an absolute joy, helping to add a sprinkle of poetry to each day of the year.

The illustrations complement the poems brilliantly! ‘Daddy Fell into the Pond’ - a great personal favourite - written by Alfred Noyes (better known for ‘The Highwayman’!) is accompanied by the perfect picture, capturing all its charm! Elsewhere smiling cats, laughing children and happy hares add to the exuberance and appeal of the collection, which looks stunning alongside ‘I Am the Seed That Grew the Tree: A Nature Poem for Every Day of the Year’ and ‘Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright: An Animal Poem for Every Day of the Year’.

 A Whale of a Time: A Funny Poem for Every Day of the Year

Selected by Lou Peacock, illustrated by Matt Hunt

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839942013

Published 14th September 2023

Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.

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