
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Imagination, Relationships Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Imagination, Relationships Sue Wilsher

Lizzy and the Cloud

I make no secret of the fact that I love the Fan Brothers’ books and share them with children (and adults!) at every opportunity. Each book is a complete delight, offering so much to explore and enjoy, meaning that I am never sure which one is my favourite!

Although clouds are a bit out of fashion, Lizzy chooses one from the cloud seller on a visit to the park with her parents. These come in many shapes and sizes, but Lizzie selects an ordinary one and calls it Milo. Having read the care instructions, Lizzie does her best to look after her cloud, but as he grows, she realises that she must let him go.

The illustrations are an absolute joy! Many of the pictures are in shades of grey with highlights of bright yellow whilst others are full of colour. There are so many details to notice (Which doors might the ‘keys for unknown doors’ open?) and so much to discuss on every spread, with plenty of opportunities for readers to develop their own stories as they read. There are many ways this book could be used in school as there are many places to pause, reflect and discuss, leading to role play, drama and a wide range of writing opportunities. The instructions for ‘Cloud Care’ and the possibilities for designing and drawing their own cloud companions offer endless fun and creative work.

Lizzy cares so much for Milo that, in the end, she realises that she must do the right thing for him, regardless of how she feels. She loves him so much that she jots an additional instruction to the ‘Caring for Your Cloud’ sheet- ‘Let your cloud float free’. Clouds should not be confined to small spaces, we are told, and this might offer a useful starting point for some difficult discussions about friendships, for example.

The book is an absolute joy from beginning to end with a timeless feel and wide appeal. It is one to be enjoyed again and again…and again!

Lizzy and the Cloud The Fan Brothers

Frances Lincoln ISBN: 978-0711275928

You can read my review of ‘It Fell from the Sky’ here, ‘The Barnabus Project’ here and ‘Ocean Meets Sky’ here.

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