There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
I Am the Wind
This is a gorgeous collection of poetry, offering a delightful mixture of well-known poems and those by newer poets, each beautifully illustrated. There are so many treasures here, making it perfect for sharing at home and at school.
For teachers the collection offers, not only many poems to enjoy reading, performing and sharing, but also those which can be used a wonderful models to inspire children (and adults!) to create their own. The anthology opens with a lovely poem by E R Murray called ‘This Poem Can…’ which is perfect for starting conversations, igniting imagination and creating their own works using the same format. ‘Ocean Song’, by the same poet, is also perfect for inspiring children to listen, reflect and express their ideas. Julie O’Callaghan’s poem ‘Earth Whispers’ is a fabulous piece of writing, offering a clear structure for children to plan and develop their ideas around- and to be inspired by the illustration as well.
Favourites like Spike Milligan’s ‘On the Ning Nang Nong’ and ‘Molly Malone’ also appear like familiar friends and it is a joy to see some poems in both Irish and English. ‘I Love These Hands’ is poignant whereas ‘Umbrella’ offers a touch of humour. There is so much to enjoy and cherish in this collection, making it an essential addition to any poetry shelf!
I Am the Wind
edited by Lucinda Jacob and Sarah Webb
illustrated by Ashwin Chacko
Little Island ISBN: 978-1915071460