
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Egyptian Myths

This lovely book sits alongside the ‘Greek Myths’ and ‘Norse Myths’, both from DK, which share the same format- and I hope there are plans to work through mythologies from across the world in this way! Beautifully presented, it is packed with information and illustrations which bring the stories of the Gods, Goddesses and Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt to life.

Starting with creation stories, the reader discovers how the ancient Egyptians believed the world was created, including pages of information focusing on Nut and Geb. Myths introducing different gods and goddesses follow, each absorbing and skilfully told. The stories are interspersed with information about Ancient Egyptian life and specific deities.

It’s a fascinating read and perfect for supporting children’s understanding about this fascinating period of history. Whilst the illustrations capture interest, the very readable text brings these stories to life in an accessible, magical way. A pronunciation guide and a glossary support the readers’ understanding and the detailed index makes information easy to locate.

An excellent book, perfect for school and home!

Egyptian Myths: Meet the Gods, Goddesses and Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt

Jean Menzies, illustrated by Katie Ponder

DK ISBN: 978-0241538739

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