
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

St Austell Festival of Children’s Literature 2024

Last year, I had the best time at the St Austell Festival of Children’s Literature and so was delighted to be able to go again this year. This is rapidly becoming my favourite festival- and I go to quite a few throughout the year. Not only are tickets only £1 each, but there is such a warm atmosphere of community and joy which some other festivals lack…

I arrived in plenty of time and was able to get my bearings and enjoy a quick cuppa before my first event, but the dedicated team behind the festival had obviously been hard at work for quite some time. Last year, the festival was held just on the Saturday, but this year it had expanded to all weekend with school events on either side.

My first event was the wonderful Ross Montgomery. The session I attended was for younger children as his second event based around ‘I am Rebel’ (fantastic book!) clashed with another event. This is the biggest problem with St Austell Lit Fest- there are just so many brilliant sessions to choose from! Ross was marvellous and kept the very young (and considerably older!) members of his audience thoroughly entertained, creating characters and developing stories.

The Festival Hub was bursting with activities for children to enjoy, authors signing books and the wonderful Reading Rocks Bookshop which offered an incredibly tempting range of reading matter! This space was full of excited children queuing to get their books signed and to have a word with their favourite authors- and there were some huge queues! Although I had to choose my sessions carefully to make them fit, there was still plenty of opportunity to have a book signed by the other authors and have a quick chat. I know I have already commented on the atmosphere, but this really was something special.

Next, I went to see Justyn Edwards for a truly magical session which kept the audience on the edge of their seats trying to solve the tricks and illusions he performed! Like everyone else, I thoroughly enjoyed his event and I was very excited to learn that the third book in ‘The Great Fox’ series is coming out later this year!

Next, I headed to a church for a panel event about whales with Chris Vick, Hannah Gold and Jasbinder Bilan. These three passionate, engaging authors gave the audience a quiz to test their whale knowledge, shared plenty of whale facts and each gave a reading from their book. It was such an interesting session- and my first literary festival event held in a church!

Back to the bookshop for more book signing and catching up with more friends. I took Fed Ted with me and everyone was pleased to see him! Although I could only go on the Saturday, other members of the FCBG attended on Sunday and also had a brilliant time. Huge congratulations to the team behind this amazing festival- and I look forward to seeing you all again next year!

You can visit their website here

You can read about last year’s festival here.

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Fiction, Magical Sue Wilsher Fiction, Magical Sue Wilsher

The Great Fox Illusion

The Great Fox, world famous illusionist and man of mystery, has died and the ‘Great Fox Hunt’ has been launched to find his worthy successor. The competition is open only to children under 14- the age he was when he first got into magic and a television show is being made of the event. Flick Lions is determined to win the competition, but she has her eyes on a far greater prize than the Great Fox’s old tricks- she wants to recover the trick she believes the Great Fox stole from her father, who has since gone missing.

What a brilliant read! Original and absorbing, full of magic, tricks and illusions, the book is bursting with puzzles for the reader to ponder- and for Flick, and her partner, Charlie, to solve. Pitched against Harry and Ruby Townsend- who have their own agenda for winning- Flick and Charlie take on the challenges set by the Great Fox and those of appearing on a game show.

Flick is an engaging, strong character who is determined to win the competition for the good of her family. She has a prosthetic leg and the author does not shy away from showing the reader the pain it can cause her, developing empathy for her situation. Charlie has his own reasons for wanting to win the competition and as their friendship develops and they come to trust one another, sharing their secrets and making a formidable team.

This would make an excellent class read with plenty of opportunities to introduce the children to magic tricks and illusions along the way. ‘The Fox Files’ at the end of the story explains how to perform a card trick which they are sure to love and might awaken a new interest or hobby in one or two of them!

The whole story is brilliantly contrived, managing layers of secrets and illusions- and an ending which invites a sequel! I very much hope that there is one to come…soon!

The Great Fox Illusion Justyn Edwards

Walker Books ISBN: 978-1529501940

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