There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Rabbit and Bear: This Lake is Fake
Having been snowed in for weeks, Rabbit is looking forward to Spring. However, when it arrives, it is not as perfect as he imagined it would be. Bear suggests that if they do a little every day, they can soon have everything tidied up, but Rabbit is not interested in this plan. Instead, he sets off in search of his Perfect Vision of how things should be. However, when the island he finds turns out not to be made of chocolate, but something less pleasant, Rabbit realises that the real world might not be perfect, but it’s pretty close!
‘This Lake is Fake’ is the sixth adventure for best friends, Rabbit and Bear, and it is just as poo-filled and big-hearted as all the others! Rabbit is still as impulsive as ever, quick to act and perhaps a little slow to think whilst Bear remains constant and supportive.
In his quest for perfection, Rabbit ignores all the joys of the world he lives in- his friends, the beauty of nature, Bear’s singing- and pursues his unrealistic dream. When reality hits and he finds his vision of perfection to be nothing but an island of bird poo, he is overwhelmed by feelings of guilt and inadequacy, claiming he is a failure and that his life is over. Once again, it takes Bear’s steady, calming voice of reason to help him see that he needs to take one step at a time towards better things rather than expecting instant gratification and perfection! There is so much truth in these modern fables and many of us will see elements of Rabbit in ourselves!
Poo-centric books are not usually my thing, but these books are an exception to this rule and it is amazing how much information about the subject is contained in the Rabbit and Bear books. According to a note at the end of the story, guano islands really do exist- and a quick search on Google proves this to be true. I wonder where this topic will lead them next!
Full of gorgeous illustrations which add so much life and personality to the characters, ‘This Lake is Fake!’ is sure to be every bit as popular as the previous stories in this series- and I hope there will be many more to come. Everyone needs a little Rabbit and Bear style wisdom!
Rabbit and Bear: This Lake is Fake
Julian Gough and Jim Field
Hodder ISBN: 978-1444947571