
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

NNFN2023: Great Minds

Presenting quite challenging material in a very readable, accessible format, ‘Great Minds’ offers a look at some of the greatest philosophers ever known. The introduction poses the question ‘What is philosophy for?’ - and concludes that it is a ‘tool to change the world’. The following chapters then tell the story of a philosopher, a group of philosophers or a collective philosophy, considering the time and place where they originated and what caused them to pose their questions and ponder their answers. The graphic style format works perfectly, framing the information in clear sections, making the text easy to navigate.

The book starts with Confucius, looking at his life and the development of his thinking. It raises the point that there are many sayings attributed to the man with no evidence of this being the case, pointing the reader in the direction of where to find the truth and highlighting other thinkers who have been influenced by his work. From this well-known name, the authors move to ‘the mysterious philosopher’, Zeno of Elea, details about whom might be sparce, but whose ideas ‘shook the world of philosophy’. The reader is introduced to his ‘paradoxes’ which are (once again) clearly explained. Philosophers from across the world are included- women and men- and readers are sure to return to this book again and again, dipping in and out as interest is piqued or honing in on a specific section to support learning in other areas.

As the book continues, each thinker is carefully introduced and their philosophy thoughtfully explained and explored. There is so much to learn here, so much to encourage questioning and reflection. The book clearly shows that philosophical ideas have developed across the world, throughout history and how these ideas can be key to change. The illustrations are bold, colourful and appealing; however, in places some of the background colours can make the text harder to read. That said, there is so much to recommend this to readers young and old!

Great Minds: 2500 Years of Thinkers and Philosophy

Joan Haig and Joan Lennon, illustrated by Andre Ducci

Templar ISBN: 978-1800783539

Also from this team is ‘Talking History’ which features the ‘stirring words’ of 16 speakers whose speeches have changed the world. From Jawaharlal Nehru to Helen Keller, Emmeline Pankhurst to Pearl Gibbs, the book is full of inspiring and passionate words and the impact that they had.

Talking History: 150 Years of Speakers and Speeches

Joan Haig and Joan Lennon, illustrated by Andre Ducci

Templar ISBN: 978-1787417328

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