There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
It Fell from the Sky
It fell from the sky on a Thursday…
When a strange object appears in the garden, it is the subject of great discussion and speculation amongst the creatures that live there. Cunningly, Spider soon takes possession and constructs a ‘Grand Exhibit’ to show off the ‘Wonder from the Sky’. Having created ‘Wonderville’, he starts to make money by charging everyone to see it. As its popularity increases, he raises the entry fees, but eventually, the crowds disappear. Spider assumes everyone has left to spread the word about his amazing attraction, but an Unexpected Disaster occurs and the Wonder is stolen and Spider was all alone. Soon, life returned to normal and Spider has to re-evaluate his choices…
I absolutely adore the Fan Brothers’ work. ‘The Barnabus Project’ is possibly my favourite, closely followed by ‘Ocean Meets Sky’ and this latest gem is every bit as wonderful! I have never known a child (or adult) who has not been utterly mesmerised by their artwork and captivated by their stories.
‘It Fell From the Sky’ is an excellent story for starting conversations about greed and community spirit- and about who ‘works of art’ should belong to! But there is endless joy to be had exploring the pictures, re-telling events from other characters’ viewpoints and creating artwork inspired by the incredible illustrations.
The marble (for that it what readers will recognise the Wonder from the Sky as) is initially the only flash of colour in the monochrome spreads. I love using marbles as inspiration for poetry (see post to come in ‘Reading Resources’) and this would work so well alongside this story as the creatures wonder just what this strange object is that has appeared in their world. Children would enjoy creating miniature worlds or their own miniature museum of wonders like the one Spider creates, shown in glorious colour and harmony as it is shared by all. There are so many ways this wonderful book could be used with a class. And don’t forget to take off the dust jacket and admire the evening scene, studded with fireflies, on the cover of the book itself. From start to finish- this is an absolute joy!
It Fell from the Sky The Fan Brothers
Frances Lincoln ISBN: 978-0711270657