
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

India, Incredible India

India is an incredibly diverse, vibrant country, a unique mix of ancient and modern, and this book does an amazing job of conveying the size, variety and richness of this intriguing sub-continent. ‘India, Incredible India’ takes the reader on a journey whilst telling the story of each of the many special objects the Nanijee of a little girl called Thara has in her special trunk.

As Nanijee shares each object, the reader is taken to a beautifully illustrated double page spread which focuses on one location in India. A stamp on a letter reminds Nanijee of the statues created by Nek Chand at the edge of the city of Chandigarh whilst some dice encourage her to tell Thara all about the Indus Valley civilisation. Other objects lead them to places such as the Punjab, West Bengal and Rajasthan- each spread packed with information and evocative illustrations. So many marvels to wonder at and inspire further investigation- or sow the seeds of a desire to travel and explore.

These sections are interspersed with pages focusing on different topics such as sports, food and religious festivals. This is a book which is perfect both for using in school or for having at home, a must have for every library and book corner, offering plenty to discuss and explore. A detailed index makes it an excellent research tool and there is a ‘Find Out More’ section at the end to aid those wanting to extend their knowledge.

I was lucky enough to hear Jasbinder and Nina talk about their book at Cheltenham Literary Festival this year, inspiring young (and older!) readers to find out more about Incredible India!

India, Incredible India

Jasbinder Bilan, illustrated by Nina Chakrabarti

Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406395426

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