
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Humour Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Humour Sue Wilsher

I Really Really Love You So

Bush Baby is back- and just as adorable as ever! She has something really important to say…and explores more and more extreme ways of declaring her love and expressing how it makes her feel.

It is impossible to read this story without a huge smile on your face! Bush Baby’s enthusiasm is infectious and shows the importance of expressing how you feel in which ever way makes you happy. The text is a complete delight to real aloud as it trips along, building in pace in places and leaving moments to pause in others. Humour mingles with the poignancy of the message, making it a perfect book to share again and again with all those you love.

As with the first book about Bush Baby, ‘I Really Really Need a Wee’, there is no indication of gender (I have chosen to use ‘she/her’) allowing anyone to identify with Bush Baby and empathise with how she is feeling. Children are sure to add their own declarations of love as they read the story and find their own ways of sharing how they feel which is so important for us all.

The illustrations are as delightful as ever! One child told me previously that Duncan’s characters feel like ‘they are my friends because they look at me as if inviting me into the story’ and you can instantly understand what they mean when you look at Bush Baby. Her little face bursts with a vast range of emotions as she seeks to share her feelings and those eyes say it all!

‘I Really Really Love You So’ is a complete and utter joy. I can’t wait to see what Bush Baby gets up to next- tackling school, new food, bedtime…who cares?! Whatever she does, it is sure to be the basis of a wonderful story from this very talented duo!

I Really Really Love You So

Karl Newson, illustrated by Duncan Beedie

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1801044080

You can read my review of ‘I Really Really Need a Wee’ here and my Q and A session with Duncan Beedie here.

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