
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Picture Book Sue Wilsher Pause for Poetry, Poetry, Picture Book Sue Wilsher

Picture a Poem: Hope is the Thing with Feathers

‘Hope is the Thing with Feathers’ is a poem written by American poet, Emily Dickinson, and published in 1891. In it, she compares hope to a bird, found singing even in the darkest times, and never asking for a thing in return, a reminder of what a powerful thing hope is.

This is the first in a new series called ‘Picture a Poem’ from Magic Cat which uses stunning illustrations to introduce young readers to a world of wonderful poetry. In this book, Tim Hopgood’s lively, colourful pictures support understanding of the poem, opening doors for plenty of discussion about Emily Dickinson’s words and the power of hope and as well as introducing the idea of metaphor without even mentioning the term! Children will enjoy spotting the bird on each page, following its travels through the pictures, bravely singing whatever the weather.

A short biography of Emily Dickinson is included at the end of the book, offering the perfect starting point for further investigation of her life and work, a brief explanation of the poem and a glossary of some of the terms used. All of this supports, not only a child reading independently, but a parent or teacher who wants to share the poem with their class. The final page shows the poem presented as plain text, allowing the reader to see the lines without illustrations.

Bringing the joy of poetry to younger children in this way is a wonderful idea, a gentle way of familiarising them with poems they are sure to return to, remember and enjoy as they grow. The benefits of a series like this to older children and adults should not be underestimated either. I can’t wait for the next title which is to be a poem from Benjamin Zephaniah.

Picture a Poem: Hope is the Thing with Feathers

Emily Dickinson, illustrated by Tim Hopgood

Magic Cat ISBN: 978-1915569196

Published 29th February

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