
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Blog Tour, Graphic text Sue Wilsher Blog Tour, Graphic text Sue Wilsher

Day 9 of the Hilda Blog Tour

The Hilda Blog tour is well underway and I am delighted to be joining in for the Twitter leg of the tour! Hilda has long been a firm favourite in this house and in this book, the reader encounters all manner of beasts and spirits found in the city of Trolberg and the surrounding area.

The book is organised into six areas- Towering Terrors, Secretive Souls, Almost Human, Under the Water, Up in the Air and Below the Ground. Because Hilda has borrowed this book from the library so often, the librarian said she could keep it. To help any fellow adventurers, Hilda has added copious notes to the original text, adding plenty of details which the original author neglected to mention- or was unaware of.

Each section is full of annotated illustrations with Hilda’s notes and drawings added in blue ‘pen’. Although the book is obviously the perfect companion to the television series, there is plenty here to engage any reader whether familiar with the franchise or not. In fact, the book would make a great model for teachers wanting a text to inspire classes developing ideas for their own creatures which could then be developed into non-chronological reports. The contrast between the informal tone of Hilda’s notes and the ‘original’ text also makes an interesting point for discussion.

Endlessly entertaining and completely engrossing, ‘Hilda’s Book of Beasts and Spirits’ is an absolute winner! Every page is packed with details and the book closes with an index to support locating specific information.

Hilda’s Book of Beasts and Spirits

Flying Eye ISBN: 978-1911171584

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