
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

FCBG Conference, Fiction, Magical Sue Wilsher FCBG Conference, Fiction, Magical Sue Wilsher


The FCBG Conference is rapidly approaching, offering an author-packed weekend of book-ish fun. I was delighted to notice that the first event is to be tea with Welbeck Flame, celebrating ‘Hedgewitch’ with author, Skye McKenna. Lucky enough to be sent a copy of this most enjoyable book to review for Reading Zone, I am looking forward to this event very much! ‘Hedgewitch’ would make a fantastic class read, offering much to discuss and enjoy along the way. I will write more about this after conference, but for now, here is my review for Reading Zone!

Cassie Morgan has been waiting for her mother to return for her for seven long years. Now her mother has been declared legally dead and she is faced with going to the orphanage, Cassie decides to run away from Fowell House, the awful boarding school she has been attending, whatever the danger. She finds herself chased by a pack of goblins, but escapes their clutches with the help of a talking cat called Montague on a flying broom to the village of Hedgely. Here, she learns that she comes from a family of witches who protect Britain from the Faerie and that she is the niece of the Hedgewitch herself.

What a fabulous read! Skye McKenna balances the real and magic worlds with skill, creating a rich and well developed story. Cassie is subjected to bullying at her school, victim of the hockey team and their leader, Lizzie Bleacher, who make her life miserable. These pages are uncomfortable reading as Cassie tries to become ‘invisible’, isolated from any hope of friendship or support from a seemingly complicit staff, yet suffers verbally and physically at the hands of her tormentors.

Determined to find out what happened to her mother, Cassie shows herself to be determined and resourceful, making firm friendships as she navigates her new life. There is plenty of action and adventure to keep the reader on the edge of their seat. Montague is a wonderful character, delivering advice in the most cat-like manner and ultimately proving the most faithful familiar!

A great read for those who love magic and mystery!

Hedgewitch Skye McKenna

Welbeck Flame ISBN: 978-1801300087

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