
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Kindness Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Kindness Sue Wilsher

One Tiny Dot

Kindness is a tiny blue dot. Whilst making his way along the street, he catches a ride on a boy’s new trainers. The boy welcomes him and this act of kindness causes the little dot to grow. Together they continue, receiving and spreading acts of kindness along the way until the tiny blue dot is tiny no longer. When they meet an angry little girl who feels she has been left out of the fun, Kindness knows exactly what to do. Recognising the sadness masked by the fury, Kindness reaches out and welcomes the little girl to the party.

See the thing is with KINDNESS

-it spreads if you let it.

When kindness is nurtured, it grows. As Lucy Rowland’s joyful rhyming text bounces along, this message is celebrated, showing how each nice act inspires others to smile, say thank you or help in a whole variety of ways, showing kindness comes in all shapes and sizes. The story is perfect for generating conversations about how we act towards others and how we can all try to make every day a little better for those around us.

The story also shows how kindness is able to empathise with others. When faced with anger, it looks beyond this and sees the sadness behind, offering understanding and support until the angry feelings are gone. Kindness worked its magic again!

The illustrations are fabulous! Full of colour and energy, they are instantly appealing, making everyone want to participate in the fun- and share kindness. The images clearly support the inspiring message of the story, making it perfect for discussing with children both at home and in school.

A delightful book with an important and inspiring message.

One Tiny Dot Lucy Rowland, illustrated by Gwen Millward

Templar Books ISBN: 978-1787418868

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