
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Folklore, Korean Tale Sue Wilsher Fiction, Folklore, Korean Tale Sue Wilsher

The Shade Tree

When a rich man claims that the shade of a tree belongs to him and refuses to let the villagers take shelter in it, a young traveller offers to buy it from him. Delighted by what he considers the young man’s foolishness, the rich man accepts his offer and the traveller shares the tree’s shade with the villagers. However, as sun began to set, the shadows grow longer until they cover the rich man’s house and the traveller points out that wherever the tree’s shade falls now belongs to him. Eventually, the rich man gives up his house and moves away, leaving the traveller to enjoy the house and allow all the villagers to enjoy the tree’s shade whenever they desire.

‘Wave’ by Suzy Lee is one of my absolute favourite picture books and I had great fun planning work to inspire writing from this wordless treasure so I was very excited when, whilst researching books for the FCBG ‘Myths and Legends’ booklist I am writing, the lovely Catherine Ward suggested I look at ‘The Shade Tree’, another of her books.

Text and illustration combine perfectly in this retelling of a Korean folktale. The characters are presented as silhouettes, giving them an ‘every man’ quality so suited to the nature of folklore, whilst the tree takes centre stage, lush and verdant, and yet there are plenty of details to notice- the coins tumbling from hand to hand, the actions of the villagers, the fury of the rich man! A gatefold spread cleverly shows the lengthening shadow with the traveller dancing along in the shade, right up to the greedy rich man’s house.

The timeless wisdom of the tale offers plenty to discuss and enjoy with kindness and quick wit triumphing over greed. The style of illustration used may well inspire children to create shadow puppets with which to re-enact this story, other folktales - or perhaps to create their own!

A magical retelling!

The Shade Tree

Suzy Lee, translated by Helen Mixter

Greystone Books ISBN: 978-1778400186

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NNFN2023 Bloggers’ Tour: Mission Arctic

I am delighted to be sharing ‘Mission: Arctic’ as part of the NNFN2023 Bloggers’ Tour, perfect for the Wonderful Water theme.

In September 2019, ‘Polarstern’, a powerful ice-breaker research vessel, set sail for the Arctic with MOSAiC, a team of more than five hundred scientists from across the world on board on the largest expedition to the Arctic ever undertaken. ‘Mission: Arctic’ is a completely fascinating read, following these researchers on their mission.

Divided into three parts-The Biggest Arctic Expedition of All Time, Climate Research on the Ice and Our Arctic, Our Future- the book is beautifully illustrated with a mixture of photographs, drawings, annotated diagrams and notes, making it an incredibly engaging and absorbing read. Technical terms are carefully explained both as they occur within the text and in a comprehensive glossary at the end, supporting the reader’s understanding of the mission and the scientists’ discoveries.

‘Mission: Arctic’ would make an excellent text for guided reading sessions, offering plenty to investigate and discuss whilst offering challenge and interest. The varied presentation of information and the exciting content are sure to inspire interest and encourage children to take up the challenge to help save the Arctic.

A thoroughly absorbing read!

Mission: Arctic A Scientific Adventure to a Changing North Pole

Katharina Weiss-Tuider, translated by Shelley Tanaka, illustrated by Christian Schneider

Greystone Kids ISBN: 978-1771649568

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Picture Book, Love, Cultural Traditions, Nature Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Love, Cultural Traditions, Nature Sue Wilsher

Still This Love Goes On

Based on the the song written by Buffy Sainte-Marie, ‘Still This Love Goes On’ is a joyful celebration of enduring love for the world we live in, reminding the reader to find beauty in everything around them. Through word and illustration, the seasons are brought to life as the cold winter days roll into summer and ‘still this love goes on and on’.

Whilst the words offer all the poetic power and cadence of song lyrics, the accompanying illustrations conjure the many joys of the natural world and long lasting traditions which are the fabric and soul of life. They capture the special moments and memories which last as ‘love goes on…’. A short glossary at the beginning of the book shares the meaning of some Cree phrases, most importantly kisâkihitin meaning ‘I love you’, helping the reader to share the essence of the Cree people and their ways, their belief in the interconnectivity of nature and people and a deep love for life.

At the end of the book, the sheet music for Buffy’s song has been included as well as notes from the author and illustrator about their inspiration for this work. There is so much which could develop from using this book with a class as a key text- or from sharing at a story time. It is sure to inspire children (and adults) to consider the things in their lives which they love- the places, the people- developing poetry, artwork, composing, research, environmental work in response.

A very beautiful, powerful book.

Still This Love Goes On

Buffy Sainte-Marie, illustrated by Julie Flett

Greystone Kids ISBN: 978-1771648073

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Blog Tour: National Non-Fiction November

National Non-Fiction November is the FCBG’s annual celebration of the factual side of life. It started life as National Non-Fiction Day, the brain child of Adam Lancaster, a former Chair of the Federation and has been growing in popularity year on year. This year’s theme is Communication, a wonderfully inclusive theme and I am delighted to be taking part by reviewing two very special books from Greystone Kids. ‘Luminous’ is a picture book introduction to bioluminescence and ‘I Hear You, Ocean’ is a picture book that celebrates the sounds of the ocean.

‘Luminous’ is a remarkable book which clearly explains bioluminescence, light produced by a chemical reaction within a living organism, through lyrical text, sections of information and evocative artwork. Used to hunt, defend against predators, find mates, this fascinating phenomenon is used to communicate warnings and attraction as well as luring other creatures to their end!

Combining the poetic text with factual information means that ‘Luminous’ is a book which can be shared with children of differing ages and interests. Starting with a simple black spread, the art work shows a young child and adult using a torch to help them see in the dark (accompanied by an explanation of light and light sources) and discovering different bioluminescent creatures. Sure to spark interest and lead to further research and investigation, this book shows the joys of pausing to look- ‘really look’- and discover the wonders of nature when it’s dark outside.

Luminous Julia Kuo

Greystone Kids ISBN: 978-1771648882

‘I Hear You, Ocean’ is the second book in the ‘Sounds of Nature Series’ for young children. When a family visit the ocean, the older child whispers to the younger, ‘The ocean has lots to say…if you listen.’ Together, they listen and hear the wonderful sounds of nature as they play on the beach until it is time to go home.

The book is a joyful celebration of imaginative play, the natural world and sharing time with siblings. Although not strictly speaking non-fiction, there is much in this story which could act as a stimulus for further investigation as well as its developing awareness of the senses. The engaging illustrations complement the onomatopoeic nature of the text perfectly and encourage an interactive element to sharing the story.

I Hear You, Ocean Kallie George, illustrated by Carmen Mok

Greystone Kids ISBN: 978-1771647397

Two very special books to celebrate as part of National Non-Fiction November 2022! A post from Julia Kuo, the author/ illustrator of Luminous, about the process involved in writing and illustrating the book was featured yesterday on the FCBG website and a giveaway on Twitter of both this title and ‘I Hear You, Ocean’ will be taking place today so make sure you investigate both of these things as well as following on with all the wonderful posts, reviews and give-aways that have been organised.

Many thanks to the amazing Chris Routh, who not only invited me to take part in this Blog Tour, but is responsible for tirelessly organising and promoting NNFN22.

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