
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Environmental Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Environmental Sue Wilsher

The Ever-Changing Earth

Kûn loves dinosaurs and imagines them living when the sky ‘boomed with the wild beat of Pterosaur wings’ where he lives now. As he feeds the birds, descendants of these mighty creatures, the world is a very different place to that of the past, changed over time by asteroid strikes and collisions…The book takes the reader on an incredible journey through the Earth’s evolution.

‘The Ever-Changing Earth’ follows on from Grahame Baker-Smith’s previous books, ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ and ‘Wild is the Wind’ and is every bit as gorgeous. Stunning illustrations combine with lyrical text to produce a book to treasure.

Each of these books makes a connection between children across the world. ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ started with Isaac playing in his favourite pool, the water he was playing in travelling to Cassi as much needed rain. ‘Wild is the Wind’ picks up Cassie’s story and the swifts which swoop and dive on the wind and cross continents, bringing joy to Kûn who knows summer will follow. This story opens with Kûn and connects him with Solveig who is floating in a lagoon heated by the fires of the Earth’s core. I hope her story will come soon!

Exploring the wonders of our ever changing planet, ‘The Ever-Changing Earth’ is another must have for any classroom, perfect for using as the focus of an English unit, Science lessons or art work.

The Ever-Changing Earth Grahame Baker-Smith

Templar ISBN: 978-1800782211

You can read my review of ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ here and ‘Wild is the Wind’ here.

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