There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Gods and Monsters: Mythological Poems
Combing two of my favourite things-poetry and mythology, ‘Gods and Monsters’ was always going to be a personal reading paradise, but this fabulous collection exceeded even my high expectations! It is a veritable dragon’s horde of joy in poem form.
Loosely grouped into ten sections, the book covers poems reflecting a diverse range of myths and legends from across the world, written by an incredible range of poets. Through these works, readers will re-encounter old favourites and discover a wealth of new ones whether they work their way through the collection as a whole of dip in and out as they please.
Many of the poems included are perfect for using as a story time, enriching children’s experience of poetry and expanding their knowledge of ‘the old stories’. ‘Arachnophobia’ by Kate Wise offers a perfect starting point for discovering the story of Athene and Arachne and the etymology of the title whilst the poem ‘Did you know earthquakes come from a catfish?’ explores the Japanese mythology. There are so many poems which could lead to further discovery as well as being enjoyed in their own right.
Classics like ‘The Odyssey’ and ‘Jabberwocky’ mingle with more recent works. The opening poem, ‘Faith’ by Dawn McLachlan, was new to me and is now a firm favourite! There are humorous poems- ‘Mrs Icarus’ (Carol Ann Duffy) or ‘Going to Bed’ (A F Harrold), for example- as well as moving ones, all beautifully illustrated by the incomparable Chris Riddell whose skill manages to capture each mood and feeling.
Gods and Monsters: Mythological Poems
Chosen by Ana Sampson, illustrated by Chris Riddell
Macmillan ISBN: 978-1035023011
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.