There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Love You To Death
Someone is obsessed with Mia Hawkins…
I normally offer a summary of the book before a review, but this is one that I am not going to do that for in case I spoil the plot for anyone who has not read it! Having finished this a while ago, I have been waiting to review it until reading all of Gina Blaxill’s books- and I can confirm that they are all excellent!
‘Love You to Death’ is a gripping, unsettling read about obsession and stalking. As the story progresses, the tension is palpable, compelling the reader to keep turning the pages as the claustrophobic feeling of threat surrounding Mia mounts.
Having her own style and wearing clothes she is comfortable in should be Mia’s right- as it should be for everyone- yet the story highlights how some people- mainly men- seem to feel entitled to comment, or worse, on a woman’s appearance. The story is thought-provoking (and anger provoking!) in places as Mia (and others) wonder whether she has done something to attract the unwanted attention of her stalker, if she is in some way to blame for being too friendly, for sending the wrong message… My blood was boiling in places and there are many red flags in the story about controlling behaviour and ‘toxic’ relationships.
The story also offers the mystery of who Mia’s stalker actually is. Red herrings abound as suspects appear to be the guilty party yet when the final reveal came, I had only just cottoned on. Once everything is solved, Gina Blaxill does a good of showing the aftermath of such an experience, not offering a neat, tidy solution where everyone goes back to normal, unaffected.
Now I have caught up, I can’t wait to see what Gina Blaxill writes next!
Love You to Death Gina Blaxill
Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702325434