There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Since his sister, Evie, died in an accident, Bren has been struggling. His family life has fractured and each day at school is made a misery by Shaun, who constantly torments him. Increasingly, Bren withdraws to Furthermoor, an imagined world reached when he picks up his sister’s watch, where Evie is still alive. Here, he feels safe until the arrival of the sinister Featherly, forces Bren to confront his deepest fears and face the real world once more.
Darren Simpson is well known for his thought-provoking stories and is not afraid to tackle challenging topics. ‘Furthermoor’ explores loss and how grief impacts those left behind. Bren’s family is devastated by Evie’s death and Bren’s anguish is almost palpable as he struggles to cope not only with his own loss, but change in his parents. In Furthermoor, he comes alive, shaping the world to his and Evie’s needs and feeling in control once more. The contrast highlights the way in which he tries to numb his daily existence by withdrawing. However, Featherly’s invasion of Furthermoor begins to destroy the safe haven Bren has created, forcing him to confront reality and begin to heal.
Bren is also on the receiving end of a targeted campaign of bullying and humiliation by Shaun. Here again, Darren Simpson taps into raw emotions, writing with great empathy and sensitivity, but not shying away from harsh reality. The differing approaches of Bren and new boy, Cary, to Shaun’s actions offers much to discuss.
Darren’s writing is always full of description and detail, bringing both the real and imagined world to life. ‘Furthermoor’ is perfect for those looking for a challenging, thought-provoking read.
Furthermoor Darren Simpson
Usborne ISBN: 978-1474976701
Publishing 3rd March 2022
Darren’s other books, ‘Scavengers’ and ‘The Memory Thieves’, are also excellent books, well worth reading!