
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Historical, WW2, Mystery, Spying Sue Wilsher Fiction, Historical, WW2, Mystery, Spying Sue Wilsher

Friends and Traitors

Nancy arrives at Stanbrook House to take up her post as a housemaid, just as preparations are being made for the arrival of a girls’ school which is being evacuated from the Sussex coast. She quickly takes a dislike to the ‘young ladies’ who she considers to be spoilt little snobs.

Sidney Dashworth is one of the evacuees and as the new girl, is struggling to fit in with her classmates. When she notices some strange goings-on and decides to investigate, Sidney realises that Nancy also has her suspicions about the Lord Evesham and his activities and the two soon find themselves working together in the face of danger as they try to expose his evil deeds.

‘Friends and Traitors’ is a great read on so many levels. It has all the classic ‘school story’ elements (apart from sporting events!) with Sidney struggling to find her place as the new girl and Lucinda Gore-Withers making her a very dislikeable foe. Despite their removal from their actual school building, the girls still have to endure their lessons, receive order marks or merits, wearing sensible shoes and behaving like young ladies at all times!

The story is also rich in historical detail. Set in WWII, Nancy and Sidney are separated by their social class. Initially, Sidney thinks being a maid must be good fun- Nancy has her freedom and is earning whilst just flicking a duster around. She has no idea of the intense workload of a domestic servant nor that Nancy’s wages are instantly consumed by family commitments. The story seamlessly includes details which add to the historical context- how Nancy’s father was affected by WW1, the internment of friendly enemy aliens, etc- including how those from the upper classes were able to get away with things which ‘normal’ people could not. Lord Evesham thinks more of his priceless collection of china than he does of his servants.

A gripping mystery unfolds as the two unlikely allies discover the secrets of Stanbrook House and find a way of making their voices heard and foiling the plot they have uncovered. ‘Friends and Traitors’ is an excellent read- every bit as enjoyable as Helen’s other books for this age range, ‘The Secret Henhouse Theatre’, ‘The Farm Beneath the Water’, ‘Evie’s Ghost’ and ‘Anna at War’. Perfect as a class read aloud or a guided reading text, this is one not to be missed!

Friends and Traitors Helen Peters

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788004640

Out 6th July!

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