
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Anxiety Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Anxiety Sue Wilsher

Fergal is Fretting

Fergal is so excited when Dad tells him that his friend, Elspeth, is coming for a visit. But then he starts to worry. It’s been such a long time since he last saw her that things might not be the same. His parents notice that something is wrong and together, they find ways to make his fretting go away.

Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time and having ways of dealing with this really helps. Fergal’s mum suggests that he takes a deep breath, finds things to keep himself busy and focus on what’s happening right now to help keep his fretting feelings under control. This is perfect advice for children – and their parents – to adopt when anxiety gets the better of them.

It turns out that Elspeth is also worried about meeting up again, reassuring children that they are not alone in feeling anxious about things and that these are quite normal feelings. Through Fergal’s experiences of complicated, big emotions, children will be able to discuss and share, finding ways of coping with these, , making this story (and the others in the series) a great starting point for discussions as well as a reference point to return to in times of worry.

The illustrations are lovely with the endpapers at the back of the book showing pictures of some the wonderful moments Fergal and Elspeth shared at the Summer Fete. There are so many details to notice and enjoy and teachers and parents alike will enjoy sharing this book with the children in their care.

Fergal is Fretting

Rob Starling

Andersen     ISBN: 978-1839132629

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