
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Environmental Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Environmental Sue Wilsher

The Crown: A celebration of life on earth

This is such a beautiful book! Speaking to readers from the future, a girl wears a crown which she has inherited. But this is no ordinary crown- it is made from rubbish left to her by past generations. The hill she stands on is created by landfill- and yet, in the waste, she finds a book which shows the world as it is now, the beauty of the oceans, the wonders of the sky, the diversity of Earth, and she imagines a world where the crown she wears might be so different…

The illustrations are stunning, instantly capturing attention and making the reader pause to think. The girl’s crown is shown in shades of grey, a tyre forming a ring round her head piled high with junk. Her companion, a gentle horse, patiently waits at her side, offering a comforting presence as she looks at the world she has been left. Children will notice her pained expression and be able to identify some of the rubbish as items they use everyday, provoking conversations about her world and how it has come to be as it is.

As she opens the book she has found, colour glows from the pages, reminding the reader of the innate beauty of our Earth and reinforcing the importance of looking after it. She refers to what she sees in the book as a ‘fairy tale’, an unbelievable world compared to her own. The books closes with some ideas for ways to help change things, written on tree stumps.

A deeply poignant book, this would be excellent to share at home or to use with classes of all ages as part of PSHE lessons, for assemblies, for art lessons or for story time. It could also be used to inspire writing, poetry, artwork… Simply stunning!

The Crown A Celebration of Life on Earth

Emily Kapff

Walker Books ISBN: 978-1406397130

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