
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Horror, Humour Sue Wilsher Fiction, Horror, Humour Sue Wilsher

Deadly Deep

It’s the Summer term and Club Loser are on a school trip with the rest of Year 8, sailing off the coast of France to learn about marine life. But, as usual, things take a sinister turn and they must pitch themselves against another Latchitt - and their latest devious creation! What could possibly go wrong?!

Once again, our Queen of Scream has produced a brilliant adventure which manages to balance being fantastically funny with frissons of fear! In the Dread Wood books, Jennifer has created a brilliant team of mis-matched friends whose loyalty and belief in one another shines through on every page. She has an incredible knack for creating relatable, realistic characters, who real children identify with (they do- I’ve asked!), and are cheering on every step of the way.

These books always launch into action. The reader knows from page one that things are not going to go well and tension builds rapidly as the plot develops, resulting in a completely absorbing and enthralling read. This brilliant blend of humour, action and horror is a winning combination and although I always prefer a book, I can see that this series would translate into amazing films with some very ‘real’ kids in the starring roles!

‘Dread Wood’ was the winner of the Books for Older Readers Category of the Children’s Book Awards earlier this year, proving how popular these stories are with the readers they are actually intended for- a better review than my poor ramblings could ever be! This series is perfect for keeping those children who are at the age we all know we are most in danger of losing as readers reading and enjoying books!

Dread Wood: Deadly Deep

Jennifer Killick

Farshore ISBN: 978-0008538576

‘Dread Wood’ here, Crater Lake here and Crater Lake Evolution here. You can read about a visit from Jennifer Killick here.

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