
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

The Dolls’ House

One day, when Mia and her mother are walking back to their new house, she spots a worn, uncared for dolls’ house sitting on the side of the road. Mia falls in love with it and takes it home where she paints it sunshine yellow. The house soon attracts other children who come to play with it all summer long. Just one child watches from across the street, resisting Mia’s friendly gestures. When a storm comes, the dolls’ house is damaged, but help and kindness soon arrive from a surprising quarter.

This joyful story is a wonderful celebration of play, friendship and kindness! Perfect for sharing, the book offers much to enjoy. I love the idea of an old, discarded, shabby toy finding a new lease of life in the hands of a creative, imaginative child and her joy in it spreading to other children, forming bonds of friendship. In such a throwaway world, this idea of valuing and re-inventing toys is an important one to nurture.

Not only does the story explore how important imaginative play is and how creative children can be, it also shows how the shy child who perhaps finds it hard to be part of a group will shine given the right situation. Marley (the child from over the road) shows true kindness and understanding when Mia needs a friend, kindness which she returns by sharing her precious toy.

The illustrations are lovely, full of details to explore and things to spot. The range of dolls which the children bring to join in the fun can be seen in the different pictures, the expressions on their faces changing almost as if they were alive and responding to the events of the story! Children may well enjoy telling the tale from the point of view of their favourite character- or creating stories about the dolls in their new home. The book had me itching to create a dolls’ house from cardboard boxes as we used to do when my son was little and I am sure that I will not be alone in this! Like the children in the story, with lots of creativity and a pinch of imagination, lots of furniture and accessories will be created from whatever can be found, making the venture all the more fun!

A really lovely story!

The Dolls’ House

Tanya Rosie, illustrated by Claudia Ravalli

OUP ISBN: 978-0192783899

Published on the 7th March

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