There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Rosie Raja: Mission to Cairo
After the success of their French mission, Rosie Raja is keen to avoid being sent to boarding school by her dad. However, a new mission to Cairo with her father posing as an Egyptologist sees Rosie back in action on the trail of a British traitor. But with the stakes higher than ever, everyone seems to be harbouring secrets, making their mission to Cairo full of peril.
Once again, Rosie shows herself to be a determined and resourceful heroine as she navigates the dangers of this mission. Her observant, reflective nature allows the reader to appreciate many of the social and cultural details of the period and as well as being an exciting- and different-WWII story, the plot raises moral questions around the ‘ownership’ of archaeological treasures, like the Rosetta Stone, offering plenty of food for thought.
The author’s note draws attention to certain liberties which have been taken with history for the story, something I wish happened more in historical fiction. This ensures children, whilst thoroughly enjoying the story, understand the framework used to create it and potentially encourages them to discover more about the setting and period in the narrative.
The plot builds to an exciting conclusion, with tension mounting as (being very careful with what I say so as not to spoil it for those who haven’t read it yet!) the traitor is exposed. I thoroughly enjoyed this adventure and look forward to finding out where Rosie’s next mission takes her!
Rosie Raja: Mission to Cairo
Sufiya Ahmed
Bloomsbury ISBN: 978-1801990103
You can read my review of ‘Rosie Raja: Churchill’s Spy’ here.