
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

NNFN2023: Water

Perfect for NNFN2023, ‘Water: Protect Freshwater to Save Life on Earth’ is an accessible, engaging read. Starting with the first water on Earth, each spread is full of attractive illustrations and has a ‘Face the Facts’ section which presents information as bullet points.

The book is packed with fascinating facts, clearly explained, like the difference between blue and green water or that rivers power about 17% of the world’s electricity. Stressing the importance of water to life on Earth, the information here does not shy away from the problems caused by pollution and climate change. Freshwater habitats, which are home to many creatures, are drying up, millions of people lack access to clean water across the planet and although points on both side of this argument are presented, using water power can cause damage to the natural world.

However, the book ends on a positive note, giving the reader ideas for how they can take action and use water wisely. Simple wells and taps are bringing clean water to villages in sub-Saharan Africa which gives girls a chance to go to school and women the chance to work, using rainwater to water plants, joining river clean-ups…lots of positive steps which are being, and can be, taken are highlighted and information about ‘Water Action Decade’ is included at the end of the book, inspiring readers to investigate further. This is a wonderful book which clearly and calmly encourages readers to consider the role played by water in our lives.

Water: Protect Freshwater to Save Life on Earth

Catherine Barr, illustrated by Christiane Engel

Otter-Barry ISBN: 978-1913074463

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