
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Art Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Art Sue Wilsher

An Artist’s Eyes

Mo and Jo might have eyes which look the same, but the way in which they see things is completely different. Mo has an artist’s eyes and as they walk together, she describes all the colours she can see. Jo, however, cannot see things as she does and he wishes he had artist’s eyes like hers. But Mo is gentle as she encourages Jo to keep looking and keep seeing and gradually, he begins to see things in his own way and realises that they both have artists’ eyes which see things uniquely.

This is such a beautiful and inspiring book in many ways. Any book which stimulates curiosity about, or love for, art is always going to be a huge hit with me, but this is really special. How many of us have come to learn that we can’t draw or paint- that we are not artistic? As Jo continues his journey with Mo, his mind set changes and he gains confidence. He begins to trust his own eyes and realise that everyone views the world in different ways. Everyone needs to develop this belief!

Clemence Monnet’s glorious illustrations are completely enchanting, complementing the text perfectly. Mo sees ‘dazzling duck-egg blue, a swirl of peacocks and the inky indigo of evening’ and encourages Jo to see in his own way. The illustrative styles used by Clemence Monnet hint at the work of different artists and approaches, encouraging exploration and experimentation.

The story is perfect for sharing with children to remind them that there is no ‘right’ way to be creative and it is important to express yourself with individuality. Children could experiment in the different styles of the illustrations, playing with colours and developing their own techniques.

A story to share again and again, ‘An Artist’s Eyes’ is a very special book.

An Artist’s Eyes Frances Tosdevin and Clémence Monnet

Frances Lincoln ISBN: 978-0711264830

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