There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Godfrey is a Frog
From tiny egg to tadpole, from froglet to frog, Godfrey undergoes some amazing changes. Eventually, he hops onto a lily pad and waits to see what changes will occur next…but nothing happens. Looking at the other animals, he feels that they are all much cooler than he is and that he is just a boring old frog. Fed up, he sinks to the bottom of the pond. Here, he meets some of the other inhabitants of the pool and finds that they see him in a different light. Perhaps being a frog isn’t so bad after all!
What’s not to love about this one?! Fabulous illustrations, deadpan humour, a heartfelt message about loving who you are and the lifecycle of a frog all combine to create a joyful book which is sure to become a central part of many story times and bed time story sessions!
The illustrations are both adorable and incredibly clever. Slight changes in some picture indicate the passing of time whilst emphasising the fact that Godfrey himself has not changed. Others indicate Godfrey’s changing feelings by his different expressions. These are details which children love to ponder over and can form the basis of so much discussion and develop their visual and emotional literacy as well as their empathy for others. The story would make the perfect starting point for PSHE lessons, circle times or assemblies. Sharp eyed readers are sure to notice the illustration on the title page where Godfrey looks at his reflection, a confused jumble of all the possible ‘improved’ versions of Godfrey, an excellent place to start converstations!
Showing how we often don’t appreciate in ourselves things which others recognise, the story paves the way for many conversations, not only about valuing yourself, but of the importance of carefully worded compliments offered to others. Godfrey is quick to notice Bear’s ‘cracking claws’ and Minnow’s ‘fantastic fins’ yet doesn’t value his own strong legs or long tongue, but a few thoughtful comments make him think about and value the things which make him who he is. We shouldn’t need affirmation from others to value ourselves, but positivity breeds positivity! The only thing which needs to change about Godfrey is the way he feels about himself.
The story also shows the life cycle of a frog which is reiterated through a spread at the end of the book and brings me back to the magic, wit and charm of the illustrations which accompany this story. Godfrey will steal hearts, make everyone laugh- and hopefully help readers realise that they are pretty fantastic just as they are!
Godfrey is a Frog
Alex Latimer
OUP ISBN: 978-0192789006
Published 4th July 2024
The Boy who Sailed the World
Right from the start, the boy loved the sea and knew that when he grew up, he would build a boat of his own and sail the seven seas. He sets off on his adventure, following sea charts and bravely steering through shipping lanes, until he reaches a new island where he makes friends before sailing home.
This wonderful story about following your dreams was inspired by Julia’s own son who set off on an amazing adventure across the seas, living for nine months on a tiny remote island. Full of the joys of the natural world, its beauty and wonders, the story is both poignant and inspiring and is sure to capture the imagination of all who read it.
Beautiful illustrations, full of the blues and indigos of sea and sky, do much to tell of the little boy’s travels alongside the joyful text. The pictures show many of the creatures the little boy encounters on his travels, encouraging children to explore and discover more about them. The story closes by posing the questions-
What’s your dream?
Where will you go?
-encouraging discussion about what hopes for the future, near or far, children might have- or not have!
Having read the story, it would be fun to make paper boats and set them off on journeys across a local pond or river, perhaps with dreams written on them, before taking the boats home or to spend a day on the beach, playing and dreaming about the horizon. Children might also like to follow Jesse’s (Julia’s son) journey on a map of the world as she describe this in an author’s note at the end of the book.
A lovely story to share again and again!
The Boy who Sailed the World Julia Green, illustrated by Alex Latimer
David Fickling ISBN: 978-1788452335