
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Myths on Monday, Fables, Fiction Sue Wilsher Myths on Monday, Fables, Fiction Sue Wilsher

Aesop’s Fables

Fables are short stories, often with animal characters, which have a moral at their core offering the reader- or listener- wisdom. Aesop is probably the best known teller of these tales with stories like ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ and ‘The Lion and the Mouse’, familiar to us all. In this new collection, Caroline Lawrence has interspersed the tales with sections from an ancient biography about Aesop, allowing the reader to learn more about the man himself whilst enjoying his stories.

Each fable has been concisely told, making the collection perfect for dipping in and out of, with a fable being specially selected for discussion (or simply for pleasure0 or for reading from end to end. Many of the stories feature talking animals, but living in ancient Greece, Aesop’s tales also make reference to the gods- ‘Zeus and the Honeybees’, ‘Heracles, Athena and Strife’ and ‘Zeus, Hermes and the Ostraka’, for example. Originally, these fables would have been told and retold through the words of storytellers, embellished and coloured as the teller saw fit down through the ages, but in this edition, Caroline Lawrence has returned to the surviving Greek and Latin manuscripts, translating from these ancient texts rather than re-telling the stories in her own words. This offers possibilities for comparing different versions and discussing how they have developed and altered over the years as well as enjoying the ‘flavour’ of each story as Aesop intended.

Set in a world we no longer recognise, these translations contain words which are no longer familiar to us and so a comprehensive glossary of ‘Aesop’s Words’ at the end of the book helps the reader understand terms like mormolukeion, gymnasiarch or ostraka. Pronunciation guides are included which is very helpful for anyone reading the fables aloud.

The whole collection is beautifully illustrated by Robert Ingpen whose pictures enhance the fables. Little vignettes are scattered throughout whilst some pages are devoted to full illustrations, capturing the feeling of those ancient times.

Great for sharing at home or at school, this edition of ‘Aesop’s Fables’ is one not to be missed!

Aesop’s Fables

Caroline Lawrence, illustrated by Robert Ingpen

Webeck Publishing ISBN: 978-1913519902

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