
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Ning and the Night Spirits

A little boy called Ning lives in Long Shan Valley where every night his family light lamps to scare away the night spirits. Although he really wants to find out more about the spirits, Ning cannot ask the other children as they seem every bit as scary as any night spirit. Hearing his parents worrying about him, Ning heads off into the forest where he meets a night spirit who is anything, but scary. They quickly become friends and Ning meets other amazing creatures and spirits which live in the forest. Finding that they are hiding in the forest because they are scared of people, Ning knows he must find the courage - and the words- to help them.

Perfect for sharing at home or at school, ‘Ning and the Night Spirits’ is, like all Flying Eye publications, a beautifully produced book, tempting readers to pick it up and explore the story within.

Ning is a quiet child who is unsure around other children, lacking the confidence to talk to them. In order to help the creatures of the forest, he has to overcome his fears and find a way to make himself heard. The story is sure to make readers empathise with Ning and encourage discussions about how the children might have been able to support him with overcoming his fears. This might lead to conversations about other fears and seeking ways to tackle these.

The story also shows how easily misconceptions can arise as both the villagers and the creatures of the forest believe they have something to fear from the unknown. It takes Ning to bring the two sides together and explain the misunderstanding on each side, encouraging a celebration of their differences as they learn more about each other. Children might also notice that the animals have been driven away from their natural habitat by the actions of humans- again, leading to discussions about the world around us and being thoughtful towards, and respectful of, everything that lives in it.

Each spread is wonderfully illustrated, with lots of details to notice and enjoy. The spirits and the creatures Ning meets are perfect for sparking imagination and encouraging children to create their own whilst the map on the end papers (showing the change in Ning at the end!) is perfect for using as support for plotting stories in Ning’s world.

A delightful story!

Ning and the Night Spirits Adriena Fong

Flying Eye Books ISBN: 978-1913123161

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