There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
A World of Dogs
This beautifully illustrated book would make the perfect gift for any dog lover. Carlie Sorosiak’s passion for pooches is evident on every page as she shares a wealth of fascinating facts and amazing tales (or should that be tails!) about our canine companions.
Having unwittingly adopted an American Dingo, Carlie set out to find out as much as she could about her new pet so that she could properly care for her- and this sets the tone for the whole book. There is so much respect and care shown for dogs in this book- so much to learn- that is it sure to be as fascinating for those who know little about dogs as it is for those who share their lives with them. Having grown up with Retrievers- Flat Coats and Goldies- I read the whole book from cover to cover, frequently exclaiming or pausing to bore my husband with anecdotes sparked by the information and stories contained here.
As well as explaining how dogs have come to be loyal human companions and explaining how their doggy senses work, the book includes real-life stories about the bravery and devotion of heroic dogs and the many ways in which they support humans every day. Each spread is beautifully illustrated, and the information clearly presented in easily digested sections of text. A comprehensive index and glossary make the book very easy to use for research as well as an excellent text to be read for pleasure!
A World of Dogs
Carlie Sorosiak, illustrated by Luisa Uribe
Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1839948497
Originally reviewed for Reading Zone.
You can read my review of ‘I, Cosmo’ here and here.