Protecting the Planet: Emperor of the Ice

This beautiful book tells of a year in the life of the Emperor penguin, highlighting the dangers that they face both due to the harsh climate they live in and to the effects of climate change. A forward by Dr Phil Trathan sets the scene, explaining the role played by satellites in helping to tell their story and the book closes with two pages of information about Emperor Penguins, climate change and what can be done to help.

The book is beautifully written, full of rich imagery, with the lines of penguins and their shadows making their way across the ice described as ‘like spidery writing across a blank page’. From reaching the ice at Halley Bay, the perfect location to breed, and finding a mate, laying a single egg and the Empress making her treacherous journey to the sea and back, the text outlines the vulnerability of these creatures and the fragility of both their lives and the new one they have created. Nicola Davies does not shy away from the harsh realities, but offers these honestly as an essential part of the story she is telling. Although she describes ‘a good year for this colony’, the book ends with a reminder of the fragility of the penguins existence.

Catherine Rayner’s stunning illustrations make the perfect accompaniment to the words, making this a very attractive and appealing book. This would be an engaging and accessible text for Guided Reading, offering much to explore and investigate as well as being a book which is sure to be taken from shelves by individuals to be devoured with great pleasure. This is a special book.

Protecting the Planet: Emperor of the Ice

Nicola Davies, illustrated by Catherine Rayner

Walker ISBN: 978-1406397086


Winter’s Keep Launch


The Song Walker