Mouse Heart

In the reign of Queen Anne II, in an alternate Bristol, a foundling called Mouse lives in the Moth Theatre with the people who took her in. Loving and loyal, Mouse adores her theatre family and so when Walter, the troupe’s leading man, is wrongly arrested for murder, she is determined to identify the real culprit and free Walter from prison. But Mouse’s investigation becomes increasingly fraught with peril as she realises that someone she trusts may be hiding a deadly secret, leading danger to those she loves the most.

What an adventure! Packed with action and mystery, sinister villains and theatricals, ‘Mouse Heart’ is a completely captivating and thrilling read that is impossible to put down.

Mouse is a fabulous heroine, brimming with courage and determination. Her affection for those around her and her resolve to keep them safe at all costs is heart warming as she launches herself into her investigations. Using her acting skills, Mouse transforms her appearance as she makes her way around the Bristol-that-isn’t-the-real-Bristol, piecing together the events surrounding the crime and the story is full of references to locations which can be found in ‘real’ Bristol- St Michael’s Hill, for example, where executions were held until 1816 and Newgate Prison with its disgusting, insanitary conditions, so vividly described in the novel.

Rich in historical details as the story is, ‘Mouse Heart’ is set in an imaginary time hole in the early 1700s when the fictious Queen Anne II is on the throne. Edward Teach- Bristol’s infamous Blackbeard- also makes an appearance, further mingling reality with fantasy to create the perfect backdrop to Mouse’s adventures. Added to this is an array of wonderful characters who surround Mouse in her daily life which is full of the rivalries, affections and irritations experienced by those living in close contact.

The story romps along to its satisfying and dramatic climax, but although everything is brilliantly concluded, it would be wonderful to think that Mouse might have another adventure in the near future. There seems to be so much potential for adventure in her world!

Put this to the top of your to be read pile- you won’t regret it!

Mouse Heart Fleur Hitchcock

Nosy Crow ISBN: 978-1788009485


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