Lore of the Stars

Divided into six sections-The Sky, The Sun, The Moon, The Stars, Planets, Comets and Shooting Stars and The Cosmos, ‘Lore of the Stars’ is bursting with fascinating tales of ancient wisdom. Following the structure of the two previous books in this series, ‘Lore of the Wild’ and ‘Lore of the Land’, each section is opened by a traditional tale from a different culture like the Nigerian tale which explains why the sky is so far away and the Indian Santal folktale of why the moon was created.

There are spreads which take a general theme- moon lore, auroras…- and explore beliefs from different cultures, allowing readers to see the similarities and differences between myths and legends from around the world. There is so much here to enjoy- so many different tales to explore. Some are more familiar like the tales of the ancient Greeks, but there are many less well known stories to discover.

The book is beautifully illustrated, marrying perfectly with the other titles in the series and adding brilliantly to any collection of books on mythology, legend and folklore. This is a must-have series to be returned to again and again.

Lore of the Stars: Folklore and Wisdom from the Skies Above

Claire Cock-Starkey, illustrated by Hannah Bess Ross

Wide Eyed ISBN: 978-0711282001


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